Hello, beautiful people from across the lands! Homeownership is a big dream of mine. There is only one family member I know that owns their own home and that is my grandmother. Unfortunately, that home is not in the best living condition and we are trying to find resources to help with repairs now. But it has been the only consistent stable living environment I’ve known since I was a child. We moved a lot when I was growing up and never really had ownership of something we could call our own.

No matter where we moved my younger brother and I always figured out how to get grandma’s house from our new location. Being a homeowner not only provides a sense of security but it is the founding principle of building wealth and having assets to pass down to generations after you. I would love to design my first home from the ground up, having creative control over what our living environment will look like.

Is this whats it like?

I recently had an emotional experience taking my daughter to a friend’s house for a sleepover. Living in Arlington VA it is not rare to see big beautiful homes being built from the ground up and walking pass multimillion-dollar properties. But actually walking in one was an experience I didn’t know would have an emotional pull on me. Now my daughter’s friend family recently moved out of an apartment and into their new home, coming accustom to the new space. But my God! I never saw a house this big in person in my life!

As the mom was showing me around I couldn’t help but imagine what that moment would feel like for my family. How I would decorate it, who would I have over and most importantly who is going to keep it clean?! I also got emotional because I questioned if I would ever obtain something like this in my lifetime. It’s one thing to imagine a big beautiful home but to walk through one and see it in real life was an emotional experience for me. Why? I don’t know. What I do know is that it strengthen my desire to get it done for my babies one day.
I am not fully aware of the steps to even take to start the process of buying a home. I will have to learn that along this journey as well. No matter the starting point, I will keep hope alive believing one-day homeownership will be a reality.

Until next time dream, believe and achieve