Hello, beautiful people from across the lands! I have heard this saying over and over again “Work In Silence”. I have actually adopted this phrase but the more I am growing in my business as an entrepreneur the more this concept is becoming less and less applicable. I know this concept means well but I want to break it down and dig a little deep beyond the face value of just a cool saying. Words are powerful and we should always be mindful of how we use them in our life. In this post, I share my thoughts on how “working in silence” could actually be working against your goals and not for it

Work in silence

Work In Silence

Often when this phrase is used it means to not announce or share what you are working on. Often the thought process in doing this is so that people do not “steal” your idea and make it their own. While I understand this concept to a certain extent I do not agree completely with the mindset behind it. I feel it is fear-based and generally stems from a negative place. There are three negative effects I believe come from having this type of mindset.

No Accountability

When working in silence you are often keeping your ideas to yourself. If there is not a trusted person you feel you can share these ideas with to keep you on track or provide guidance there is little accountability. I will be the first to admit I do better when held accountable in some form. The idea you are trying to protect from someone stealing may be taken from the biggest thief of them all, procrastination.

No Feedback

If you are “silent” and keeping the amazing ideas to yourself it limits the space for feedback. Every entrepreneur needs to have some level of feedback on their product or idea. Two heads are better than one. This is not to say you are not able to move forward with the idea it just helps to have a different perspective other than just your own.

Scarcity Mindset

The most negative impact of this way of thinking is it creates a scarcity mindset. I have said this before but I am a firm believer what God has for you is for you. It does not matter who tries to steal it or duplicate it will not be the same. In that, you can rest assured knowing your purpose will do exactly what is designed. Which could bring prosperity and fulfillment. When there is a fear of someone stealing something from you, especially an idea I think it’s worth digging deeper on the root of those feelings.

Action Steps to Take NOW…

1st Step: Really challenge this thinking or concept “work in silence” why do you feel you need to do that? What are you protecting, why do you feel it needs protected? The more we go beyond the surface value it helps bring clarity to the root issue

2nd Step: Find accountability by identifying a safe space to share your goals and ideas.

3rd Step: Work in sound. Sounds of fulfillment, relief and joy of actually taking a stance to achieve better through your goals


Working in silence does have its place in some form but often it is stemming from a scarcity mindset that some ideas or plans will be violated in some way. Whether that be the fear of someone stealing your idea or negatively talking about it, it serves little purpose to operate in this space.

Those who know me personally have heard me quote “What God has for you is for you.” This simply means it doesn’t matter who tries to steal it or talk bad about it does not stop a thing! When you operate from that space there is peace and joy toward your goals. I hope you found this helpful. Let’s work in sound not silence, it’s ok for folks to see you coming! Come on through sis or bro.

Until next time dream, believe, and achieve.