Hello, beautiful people from across the lands! Today I have a new series I want to dive into. The Hopeful Reality series! What is a hopeful reality? I came up with this Instagram back in June of 2012. It originally was Hopeful Realities but I felt it would be simpler to keep it singular when I decided to launch my blog last year.
During that time I was just finishing up my undergrad and had high hopes of finding a good sustainable job. I’m naturally a creative person so the name just came to me on a whim. I didn’t have any specific aspirations behind it. I just wanted something unique and it spoke to where my mind was, at the moment. After going through the trials and tribulations of finishing two degrees and becoming a new mom there was so much more I wanted to accomplish.
The Dreamer
I have always been a dreamer and found thrill seeing some of the things I aspire come to life. When I decided to start a blog to log my debt-free journey I pondered on what I should call it. It soon dawned on me my Instagram name was a perfect match to label this journey. We all start out with the idea, dream or hope to accomplish something great that eventually become a reality. In the bible Hebrews 11:1 it states “Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.” Having faith and believing in something that has not manifested yet into your life can be challenging.
The Hope
The only evidence of it coming into reality is the hope inside for it to come to pass. I find myself losing hope at times because of the “non-seen” evidence in my life. I’m holding on to hope that the dreams and aspirations are slowly working itself out. I believe the first step is to have that hope and faith that the desires of your heart will come to light. During this series, I want to share my hopes with you. This will be a tangible tracking record of how these hopes manifest into reality. I encourage you to start first with a dream, the idea to accomplish something great. Be OK with just being in the dreaming stage. I want to know your thoughts on this. I hope to create a safe space to share and tap into that childlike faith that believes anything is possible.
Until next time dream, believe and achieve.