Your Dream is Unique
Hello, beautiful people from across the lands! While on this journey I realize my message may not connect with some or be received. Regardless I am a firm believer the world needs you to answer your dream for that very reason. The message can be the same but your DNA makes it unique. I don’t believe that too many people can be in the same genre or certain business can be oversaturated.
No one can deliver the same message in the same exact way. Within this journey of gaining greater understanding in personal finance, there are content creators I connect more with than others. The information can be the same and consistent a budget is still a budget and debt is still debt. What makes it unique is your personality and story you attach to that same information.
Have you ever given someone advice and they decide not to listen. Then someone else comes along and says the SAME EXACT THING and they listen! It’s not the message but the messenger delivering the message plays a factor on the reception of it (try saying that three times!). There are people aligned to your call that will be inspired or learn something new because it came from you. The only competition is yourself, that’s you trying to outgrow and mature along the way. What business idea or entrepreneurial journey have you been hesitant to start? Get out of your own way and just start. The world needs your voice and your dream to become a reality.
Spend Your Time Wisely
I took a turn on the inspirational tone for this post; but this is something I have to remind myself of. Becoming debt-free isn’t just for me but for generations after me. The things I am learning today I want to pass down to my children empowering them to do better. Debt freedom for me means freedom of choice. The choice to spend my time where ever I so choose, travel where ever I want, create programs and business that help makes people lives better.
The most expensive thing we have is our time. Once it is spent there is no return or cash backs. I want my life to reflect a life of purpose and fulfillment not obligations. I challenge you to refocus and bring that business back to life. Get started on that idea you’ve been sitting on for way too long.
Until next time dream, believe and achieve.