Hello, beautiful people from across the lands. I am back at baby step one and I am not happy about it at all. I recently had to use my emergency money in its entirety and although I am happy it was in place I am at a pause on putting any extra toward debt until it is built back up. Here are a few ways I plan to replenish my emergency fund.
Side hustles
With many budget alterations, my car should be back on the road or already on the road by the time this post is published. Once I get my car back it is on and popping with the side hustles! The two I plan to focus on are charging scooters with Bird and making devilries with Amazon Flex. Not having Big Bertha (my car) has really put a setback on my extra cash earnings.
Reducing expenses
I am filing through each of my bills and looking for ways to lower them. Every dollar counts. My biggest expense is my rent. Living in Arlington VA is no joke and no cheap stay either. I hate to move because my biggest reason for choosing this location are the public schools which are the best in the area. I’m trying to see if I can find ANYTHING just a bit cheaper. I also plan to look into my car insurance and cell phone bill to see I can find any savings there.
Living below Means
I am already pretty much a homebody and don’t really struggle with staying in or eating a home-cooked meal. But online shopping Lord have mercy! I’m exaggerating a bit but there are a couple purchases I did not necessarily need at the moment. I definitely need to control my impulse spending. I know I have to find a balance to not completely deprive myself but right now sacrifices have to be made.
This was definitely a setback for sure but it’s setting me up for my comeback baby! I hope (insert crying face). Regardless this is just the sweet symphony called life that will play its tune again sooner or later. No matter what I can’t allow it to keep me stagnant I’ve been through worse and overcame. What ways would you try to replenish your emergency fund after using it?
Until next time dream, believe and achieve.