Hello, beautiful people from across the lands. One week in 8 posts done and 81 to go! Project 104 has been steady progress so far. I appreciate the views, comments, likes, and subscriptions. It is definitely keeping me going even if it’s just a few right now. The journey to anything new can be trying and sometimes lonely. Often times, when we embark on a new challenge, not too many people, are rallying behind us and supporting every step of the way.
As mentioned in the previous post my entrepreneur journey has been an interesting one. I’ve learned a lot about myself and understanding people better in general. I’ve tried selling makeup, network marketing, natural hair events (still in the works) and now blogging. At the beginning things can be emotionally draining. Especially if you don’t reach what in your mind is a success as fast as you’d like.
Supporter Vs Spectator
It can become a downward spiral if you allow the lack of support get you upset or second guess yourself. In my many attempts of failed entrepreneur endeavors, I’ve come to realize people will spectate first support later. What does that even mean? There are a few different types of spectators. One that’s trying to get a feel for you first before they buy in. The other is just being nosy praying on your downfall later shouting “girl I knew you had it in you all along!” when you make it (insert side-eye).
We all have encountered these types of spectators in life outside of entrepreneurial journeys. These spectators can be found at our jobs, schools, churches, or even lying in bed right next to ya! Sometimes what we interpret as nonsupport could just be people looking to build trust before they invest any of their time. The other times they are just Rosy the nosy neighbor. What does that mean for you? Absolutely nothing! One thing it does mean is that it is part of the process and will continue to happen on different levels of your success.
Doubt + Expected Failure =Fuel
I don’t know about you but it does something to me when people are expecting me to fail, it’s like that extra fuel to push me to keep going. I can recall during my undergraduate degree I got prego with my first child my junior year of college. Boy oh, boy people had things to stay, on campus and even in my own family. I was proclaimed to be another statistic. I found a new level of drive with my baby girl growing inside me.
There became a greater urgency to complete my degree because someone else will be dependent on me. The doubt and shame fueled another spark that sent me running like I was on fire with gasoline draws on. I finished within a four-year time frame with not one but TWO degrees and a certification! I finished before some of the folks that had lots to say on campus (yeah I know who you were lol). My point is spectators will be just that, watchers, so give them something to look at.
Until next time dream, believe and achieve.