Hello, beautiful people from across the lands. Leaders are readers! At the beginning of 2020 I set a goal to read 1 book a month. I have managed to stay on track for the MOST part. I will say however this is the most books I have read in one year. After completing grad school I was not reading much or even at all. Once I set this goal I created a routine that has helped me get through more books that I am going to share with you today. So , here are powerful tips to help you read more:

Powerful Tips to Help You Read More

Dedicate 30mins to 1hr To Read Daily

Juggling my job, business, side hustle, and parental duties I had to set time restrictions on this. Dedicating a certain amount of time each day to reading helps me to find ways to add it into my day. It is hard for me to complete things without some guidelines or structures. Putting a time limit on it created a start and end factor making it doable to complete every day.

Use a Timer or App

I am the timer queen! I set timers for so much. Whenever I sit down to read I will set a timer on my phone so I don’t go over or under time. I added the Focus app to this routine to restrict me from being distracted from my phone while reading. Game changer!

Jot Down Key Takeaways

Reading a book is just one component. Applying what you read is what makes reading powerful. I like to use the Notes app on my iPhone to take notes. I use the talk to text feature to save time on typing my notes in. Doing this allows me to go back and reflect on what stood out during my reading. It also allows me to push through the book because I know I have notes to reflect back one.

Action Steps to Take Now to Help You Read More

1st Step: Identity how much time and how often you would like to read

2nd Step: Identify how you plan to take notes i.e iPhone notes app

3rd Step: Pick one book to start reading, check out this post for some on productivity


Reading is so fundamental and can easily be lost with today’s level of technology. Actually physically holding a book and getting lost in its pages I think is good for the brain. I am not opposed to Audible but I do think physically reading builds discipline. Dedicating a specific amount of time to read, setting a timer, and taking notes will help you get through more books this year.

What are you currently reading? What strategy do you use to get through more books?

Until next time dream, believe, and achieve.