Hello, beautiful people from across the lands. I hope you are crushing goals, turning doubters into new fans and just living your best life! Today I wanted to dive into a mindset that I struggled with growing up that impacted my view and understanding of money. As you can read the title the saying “Money is the root to all evil”. This bible scripture often is reference when describing those who have acquired a lot of wealth and must have made bad or immoral decisions.

I personally stereotyped all wealthy people as evil. Believing there was some selling of their soul to acquire that much money. My rationale would be if being wealthy is not evil then more people could acquire it. I recite the same rhetoric that the 2% purposely oppressed the poor keeping them from ever reaching their status. Now some of this theory I still do believe the only problem is that it completely gives “them” power of my destiny.

Money is Not Evil

The scripture so famously quoted Timothy 6:10 “For the love of money is the root to all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows“. Money itself is not evil, the persons actions behind obtaining money is what is evil. The actions and decisions made to acquire money are what makes having it evil. Just having a lot of money does not equate to someone having horns stored away in their closet. This sounds really silly typing and explaining this out but I really thought like this. I didn’t question or process what I was hearing. I just ran with the concept so ignorantly.

Having this Mindset feeds Oppression

Now the backward thing about thinking like this is that it creates resistance or fear to acquire financial abundance. It feeds the habit that keeps us in poverty. We become ignorant and unaware of enjoying money without guilt. I have this theory I call the “Big Momma Syndrome” in the black community grandmothers are held with such high great love and adoration. The grandmother to some aka “big momma” is always giving away what she has to take care of everyone else. Even when she has nothing to give she’ll find a way to keep bellies full and hearts warm.

Often grandma forgets about herself and struggles, never really getting ahead or properly planning for the day when someone may need to take care of her. Yet there is so much pride and contentment in the moment of just taking care of everyone else. She’s later left with nothing and sometimes stingy and ungrateful children and grandchildren who barely return the favor. Now there is nothing wrong with giving and taking care of others but we have to get comfortable with paying ourselves first. When you think money is evil you are subconsciously getting rid of it to keep the evil away. There is this empty fulfillment in constantly giving and spending versing saving and investing.

I am not saying everything you do should be money-driven but your drive should put you in a position to have an abundance. Undoing this way of thinking took much prayer and alone time with God to hear clearly. What are some toxic money mindsets do you have that might be hindering your financial potential?

Until next time dream, believe and achieve.