Hello, beautiful people from across the lands! Ever set a goal, get all excited for the first 5 days and then 30 more days later nothing. Do not feel bad I have been there plenty of times. In 2020 I set a goal to read one book a month. In doing that I have gained some knowledge and skills that have helped me get more done. Now, this is not to say I haven’t fallen off because I am not ashamed to say I have. I can say I feel I’ve gotten more done and noticed a few contributing factors that have played into this. In today’s post, I’m going to share why reaching your goals may be a struggle and how to change that in simple steps. Let’s get into it! 

Not Reaching Your Goals? Here’s How To Fix That

It’s Not Written Out

If it’s not written it’s not real. I am such a huge advocate for visuals for goals. Whether it’s a vision board or simply on a sheet of paper. Get it from your brain into the atmosphere. This is something I am actually good at. I love writing lists, creating vision boards, and putting them where they are visibly seen every day. However, doing this step alone is not enough and often was a contributing factor to my lack of completing goals set. This is the first step but do NOT stop here.  

There Is No System

Writing a goal is a good start but what habits will get you closer to that goal each day. You may not know exactly how you’re going to get to the end but you can identify actions you can take now to get closer. Setting up routines of action plans that help you execute the next steps is where the success truly lies. In this post, I share my favorite productivity books that help you identify those systems. I highly recommend reading at least one.   

Not Giving Yourself Grace

Let’s face it, life has a way of saying “Sis, you got goals? That’s cute…smack!” Trust me as awesome as you are, you’re going to fall off and that’s OK. It’s not the fall, it’s how you get back up. Give yourself grace and space to make mistakes. Just do not stay there, keep moving, remembering the rainbow after the rain. 

Action Steps to Take Now

1st Step: Write out at least 2 goals

2nd Step: Check out this post about productivity books and identify one to read

3rd Step: Identify at least 1 hour a day to read this book and set a recurring reminder to do so 


Setting goals can be deceptive if you do not intentionally set yourself up to complete them. In this three-part formula to reaching your goals, you want to be sure to write it down, create a system to complete what you wrote down, and give grace for mistakes. No matter how big or small the goal, try doing these three things, and see what happens. 

Any tips or strategies you use to get things done? Sharing is caring!

Until next time dream, believe, and achieve.