Hello, beautiful people from across the lands! Stress is something that is inevitable in this thing called life. I would like to think there are ways to reduce stress altogether but I am sad to say there is not. However, there are ways to manage the inevitability of stress. In this post, I share my favorite ways to manage stress and the benefits of its practices. Let’s get relieved! 

Ways To Reduce Stress

1. Prayer

I try to start my mornings with prayer and gratefulness. Prayer is something that has gotten me through really rough patches in my life. I have a strong faith in God and honestly can not do this thing called life without Him. 

2. Go For A Walk

Being in the house as much as we are now due to COVID-19 I have to get fresh air. Before this madness, I took the metro to work and enjoyed my morning walk to the station and back home. It’s the small things you start to appreciate when forced to stay home. The fresh air and blood circulation really helps my mood. 

3. Journal

This is something I recently got back into. I have always been a writer since a little kid. I still have lots of my journals from then. It’s funny to read what was going on in your 14-year head lol. Journaling has always been a sacred space to dump my feelings without judgment or care of what someone thinks. It has also help me to reflect and dig deep into emotions I tend to suppress throughout the day.

4. Yoga

Yoga is a new found love since being quarantined. I even got the hubs and kiddos involved. It is another great way to get the blood flowing and calming nerves. YouTube has been the gold mine for finding beginner yoga videos.  

5.Burn Scented candles

Aromatherapy is a real thing ok. I love scented candles and more importantly, I love a good smelling house. It is something about sweet soothing smells in a clean home that just really relaxes me. The candle I got in my Elle Vie gift set smells really good! You can read the full product review here.

Action Steps to Take Now

1st Step: Identify 3 ways that help you relax

2nd Step: Dedicate at least one day a week to put it into practice


One thing 2020 has taught me is that self care is so essential. Stress impacts our minds and bodies in so many ways. Your health could be at risk due to the amount of stress you are experiencing. Finding ways to reduce stress by decompressing and relaxing, is important to help keep you balanced and healthy.

I hope in this post you gained some simple tactics to add to your routine. I do not want to ignore that mental health needs attention. Seeing a therapist regularly is not something to be ashamed of or something you wait for the doctor to order. Talking to a professional regularly to help process your feelings and traumas is good for everyone. 

Until next time dream, believe, and achieve.

In what ways do you deal with stress?