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You Are What You Attract

Hello, beautiful people from across the lands! HAPPY FALL, the best season of the year! Just as the leaves are turning and shedding their old ways so are we in our financial habits!

First Day on The New Job!

I am excited to say this week I started my new job. I am thrilled that within less than a year I’ve been able to grow my income substantially from where I started from in my hometown. If you haven’t read what motivated me to start this journey catch up here. As I’m gearing up to start to tackle this mountain I have been cautious to what I’m feeding my mind. Last week’s post IT TAKES A TEAM, I talked about the importance of team and the effects it can have on this journey to financial independence. Be sure to check it out for awesome personal finance platforms to follow!

You Get What You Put Out

In the mist of this financial journey it’s easy to be distracted by your surroundings and sometimes even place the blame for your shortcomings. I came across a movie a few years ago on Netflix “The Secret” that has strongly impacted my look on life. It stressed the idea that “you are what you attract”.

It strongly coordinates to some fundamental scriptures in the bible Galatians 6:7 “Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap” and Proverbs 23:7 “As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he“. Both point out the outcomes of INTERNAL actions.

It Starts From Within

Financial Independence is not just an external journey but will take some internal work. It brings to revelation you are where you are or have what you have wither it be career, finances, or relationships because of what YOU (and I) attract. Now I know the defense mechanism are rising and I’m sure there are many things in our lives we cannot control or had any parts in. But the reality is it forces you to look at your life and see where you did play a part. I am not exempt I had to own 100% of the outcomes from my debt and other areas. It was not easy but necessary, you can read it here.

I can easily say no one taught me, I have an unfair disadvantage and so on. Regardless of all that we must completely be responsible for our lives. Blaming circumstances or people for where we are changes nothing. Owning the fact, you are where you are because of you is a big pill to swallow.

On the flip side its empowering because now where your going is all up to…YOU! I leave you with one of my favorite quotes “Life is 10% of what happens to me and 90% of how I respond to it” ~Charles R. Swindoll~ How will you choose to respond?

What are some things you can own that you attracted in your life and how do you plan to change it? Comment below.

Until next time dream, believe and achieve.